EPR Biodose 2018Conference


1.    Biomarker

  • Molecular biomarkers
  • Cytogenetic biomarkers
  • New technical developments for established biomarkers
  • Biomarkers for low dose
  • Biomarker for partial body irradiation
  • Biomarker for mixed exposure

2.    Biological and EPR dosimetry for medicine

  • Biological dosimetry for individualised medicine
  • Biological dosimetry for clinical effects
  • Individual radiosensitivity / prognostic biomarkers    
  • EPR dosimetry for radiotherapy
  • EPR for clinical applications

3.    Biological and EPR dosimetry for emergency

  • Implementation IN and Impact ON the medical management of radiation (mass) casualties   
  • Emergency preparedness and response: practical usage of biological dosimetry – automation, screening, diagnostic use
  • Materials for EPR emergency dosimetry
  • Advances in EPR emergency dosimetry
  • Communications of results

4.    Biological and EPR dosimetry for epidemiology

  • Studies for low dose research
  • Long-term follow up studies
  • Studies on the environment

5.    Networking in biological and EPR dosimetry, QA & QM

  • Quality assurance and management
  • National/regional networks
  • Global networks
  • Intercomparisons

6.    EPR dosimetry and dating

  • Dosimetry in radiation processing
  • New dosimetric materials
  • EPR imaging
  • Geological and paleontological dating