EPR Biodose 2018Conference


Deadline extension: 31. August 2018

The proceedings will be published within one year after the conference, as a special issue of Radiation Protection Dosimetry.

All manuscripts will be evaluated by two referees and have to meet the journal acceptance criteria. Manuscripts can be rejected in the course of the evaluation process.

Articles are restricted to four printed pages (six pages for invited papers). For a word template to judge the length of your manuscript please click


,  a LaTeX template is available at this (https://academic.oup.com/rpd/pages/General_Instructions) site. Guide for authors can be found here.

 Please note:

1.      Please use the online submission system S1 - https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rpd

2.      Select YES when asked if the paper is for a Special Issue.

3.      Cite EPRBioDose2018 as the reference/comment in the text box under the special issue question.

Only manuscripts about work that was presented at the conference can be submitted for the special issue. A maximum of two manuscripts per first author can be submitted. Please state your permanent abstract ID in the cover letter as reference.

Deadline for manuscript submission has been extended  to 31. August 2018.

IMPORTANT: Please forward the confirmation Email from Radiation Protection Dosimetry, that you receive after submission, to clemens.woda@helmholtz-muenchen.de, to inform the organizing committee that you have submitted a manuscript. This ensures your paper appearing in the special issue.