EPR Biodose 2018Conference

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission closed!


Thereafter, abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific advisory board. Authors will be notified of their acceptance/rejection by mid-February 2018.

All abstracts selected for presentations as posters or orally will be published in the conference abstract book in electronic format (USB flash drive) and distributed to all participants upon registration at the conference desk.  Abstracts will be also available on the website.

Please note that every presenting author may submit no more than 2 abstracts. Additional abstracts will not be taken into account. Furthermore, every presenting author of an oral presentation has to be registered for the conference no later than March 31, 2018.

Guidelines for submission:

  • The contact information of the presenting author must be given in the abstract form. All correspondence will be sent to the presenting author.
  • For submission of the abstract one of the main conference topics should be chosen.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • The length of the abstract (excluding title, list of authors and affiliations) should not exceed 3,000 characters (including spaces). Only text allowed.
  • Submitted abstracts can be re-opened for revision at any time before the deadline of abstract submission.
  • Please note the outline in Introduction - Methods - Results – Conclusion

         Introduction (max. 400 characters including spaces)
          Methods  (max. 600 characters including spaces)
          Results  (max. 800 characters including spaces)          
          Conclusion  (max. 600 characters including spaces)